Monday, April 9, 2012

Women and Media

A stereotype is a commonly held public belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings.Many times in society we think of girls as the 'cooks, house wives'.  In almost every show I watch, the women is always cooking while the man is always working. In the movies women are depicted as if they are just the 'beautiful' ones. I found this intersting fact from " This according to a USC study that surveyed the 100 top-grossing movies of 2011 and found that gender inequality is just as prevalent as it was in the dark ages of 2008 (back when women were primarily kept as pets), with males still accounting for around 70 percent of the speaking characters in 2011’s biggest hits". That alone proves my point that women are meant to be the pretty ones. However, In a movie I recently saw, Silence of the Lambs, The main character was a women. She was depicted as a hero in the end and saved the day, But that was a rare case. 

Another point brought up in the video is how fewer women politicians there are. I thought that was absolutely absurd that 34 governors were women while over 2,000 were men. I think that this issue of being a women, is more pressing then ever. I think that our society still hasn't fully accepted us. They are still judging us off the stereotypes media gives us. Such as, weak, pretty, ditzy and much more. 
I think we deserve to be based on the same criteria as men. I don't think we should let the way media preseves us to be, guide us. I think we should continue to fight for our rights and to speak otu against this media frenzy.

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